Sunday, May 25, 2008

Great Day

Well Sat. was a really good day. One of my girl friends, Lacee, decided she wanted to train for the Marathon so she came with me. We ran down Emigration Canyon. It was sooo Beautiful!! We walked the first mile to make sure we were really warmed up (we didnt need to walk that much but I think we were enjoying the conversation and company) It was so nice to run with someone. We pushed each other and like I said before the company was great (especially when I am used to running alone) The last two times that I have run I have gotten really sick stomach's. Its always been around mile 7. I think its from the shot blocks that I ate. I am going to try Gu next week to see if it helps the problem. The weather was really nice and there was a cool breaze to cool us off. I felt really good during my run (other than my stomach) We got done in just under 2 hours and then we realized that we had tracked the miles wrong in the car. By the time we got to the car we had gone 10 miles. But we walked the last mile. It was a great acomplishment-especially from the last Sat. run I had. I am so glad I will now have a running partner. Here's to a great week.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Going and Going

Well I decided not to do the running group. I am just gonna do it on my own. As far as my run on Sat. went-- I was supposed to get up at 6:45 Sat. but for some reason got up at 7:15. I had to get my run done before a certain time cause Joe had to work and I needed to take Izaiah. So by the time I ate and go to Sugarhouse Park it was after 8. I started to run and felt pretty good. I realized I dont to as well running in circles as I do running out and back. I had a sick stomach so I had to stop for a bit. Joe had to bring Izaiah to me with the jogging stroller. Usually Izaiah is really good in the stroller but he had been in the car running errands with Joe for over an hour and was so tired and hungry it was a disaster!! I had a mile and a half to go when I got him and he just cried and cried and cried. So I ended my run a half a mile early and took him home. He was so sad I couldn't just run with him crying that hard. I was discouraged this run. I feel like I am not improving. I feel like I just give up and walk when I'm to tired. I wanna push myself and not sure how to do that. I was frustrated. I want to do this so bad! I am out of shape and running for 8 miles when you are out of shape is not so easy. I am trying to re-focus and get my head back in the game. I gotta quit comparing myself to other runners. I gotta just run!! I am going to do better this week and push myself during my weekday runs so it will help my long run on Sat. I guess you have good days and bad ones. Hope to have a good week this next week.

Friday, May 16, 2008


So....yes I am trying to make another decision. There is a Jeff Galloway Running Group coming to Salt Lake City that is going to be training for either the St. George or TOU Marathons. Its 159 to sign up. I currently run by myself and am considering joining. Do you guys think its worth the money to pay to run with the group. Dont get me wrong, I am sure the people running in this group are great. Just trying to figure out if I should pay to be in a group. I am nervous about running with other people I dont know cause I am self consious about how slow I run-or how out of shape I really am. What is your advice about paying for a running group. Also, the $159 includes Jeff G's new book, 1 year subscription to Running World, and a Running Singlet. Let me know..Thanks

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

At Last

Today I went to the gym and is the first day that I felt that I was finally getting more endurance. I was able to run much longer than I have in the past and it felt so good. I know its been 6 weeks-and that may be a long time to some of you but I'm out of shape and I was really excited. I felt really good running. Hopefully this means I can push myself even more this week and hopefully have a better time for my long run.

Monday, May 12, 2008

What a week

So this has been one crazy week of trying to make decisions. First off-(before the decision part) I did my long run on Sat. I had a cold the whole week and really was pissed about the whole St. George marathon thing, so I debated whether or not to run, but I decided to just quit being bummed and go run. I ran from about a mile above the Eagle Wood Golf Course down through the Bountiful streets for 7 miles. I ran pretty much the whole time down hill. I felt so great running fast down those hills and was doing really well. I got to the bottom of the hill and continued to run. I dragged the last two miles so bad. I dont know what my deal was. I just couldnt push myself. I was so worn out (later to figure out it was because I was getting yet another third in a row) I finished the last half a mile pushing it and running. I didnt have as good of time that I would have liked but I still finished, that was what mattered to me at that moment. Overall it was a good run. I felt really good running down hill. It pushed me and I tried to push myself and run faster. I ended up getting so sunburned that day! I havent been in the sun much since I had Izaiah, so I have some fun tan lines from my tank top and ipod to show. Good run though. The peanut butter and wheat bread really helps me on my run. Ok now to the decisions. I have signed up for the Bear Lake Half Marathon. I am so excited for it. Its supposed to be beautiful ( I actually just read that-dont know anyone who has ran it) Its around the lake and you are able to see the sun rise while you are running. I love Bear Lake so I'm excited. My parents are coming up to help with Izaiah (Joe has to work) and then we are staying 2 nights to play at the lake and for a little vacation. I'm excited. The other decision I am trying to make is what marathon to do. I am thinking about using a friends number for the St. George but they are pretty strict and I dont want to train super hard just to get the boot for doing something they dont "condone" I have thought about the Top Of Utah in Sept, but havent heard much about it (advice would be much appreciated) I could figure out my training to be able to do it this year. Or do I wait and do the SLC marathon in April or the Deseret Morning News in July. But I dont really want to train in the winter. I am so frazzled. I dont know what to do. HELP!! I need advice from you runners. I would really appreciate the help. Thank you so much. Here's to figuring out my marathon :)

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Oh Man

I didnt get picked for the St. George Lottery. I am so sad. I had my hopes on it so much and have been so frustrated since I found out. I am now trying to re-evaluate my options. Any suggestions? I know for sure I'm doing the Bear Lake Half Marathon in June, but I need to figure out what marathon to do. Thanks    (boo you St. George)

Sunday, May 4, 2008

I was runnin!

I did my long run a day early this week due to the fact that we had Izaiah's 1st birthday party on Sat. I ran Jordan River Parkway cause it was close and I needed to be back to my house by 9:30. I like that run. I feel safe running alone cause I have people around me. Anyways, I had some new equipment to run with this week and it really made my run better. I bought a new fuel belt that I love!! I love having water right there whenever I need or want it. I thought it would bother me a little while running but it was so comfy. I also tried eating more for breakfast. I have a hard time eating really early in the morning, so I pretty much gagged down wheat bread, peanut butter and a banana. It was a little much all as a sandwich but it really stayed with me through the run. I also tried GU while I was running. I had never had it before so it was interesting to say the least. The first second I squished the GU into my mouth I gagged so bad. The texture brought back memories of when I drank castor oil to induce labor (I would not recommend it) It was awful. I swallowed it and chugged some water to wash it down. EEWWW it still makes me cringe thinking of it. But I finished it and continued to run. My big toe and shins had been hurting me earlier in the week but I was surprised that they didn't bother me during the run. I set a goal for myself and I finished at my goal so I felt really good after my run. I cant wait to find out this next week if I get picked to run St. George. Cant wait.