Sunday, April 27, 2008

Feelin Good

I felt really good about my 5 mile run this Saturday. I have had a really bad sinus infection the past 2 weeks and have finnally gotten on an antibiotic so I didn't do my weekday runs this past week. Because of this I was a little nervous to go out and do my run, but I thought possitive and just did it. I decided to try Jordan River Parkway. I really loved it. The river was great to run by and the weather was so nice. I did walk some but I improved my total miles per min. which I felt good about. I am really glad I have these long runs to experiement with. Trial and error for all the things that are going to be benifitial to me during the marathon and those things that are not. One thing I have realized I need is a water belt (not sure what they are called) I've been placing water at certain places and it just doesnt work for me. I dont get enough fluid. So any suggestions for a good belt? I also figured out that I didn't eat enough before my run, I found myself dryheaving a couple of times from being hungry. I am going to try the wheat bread, peanut butter and bananas I've been suggested this next week. So I will do those two things and can imagine I'll have an even better run next week. Oh and I was congratulated by Lance Armstron on my "longest run so far" (my Nike Ipod thing has famous people come on and congratulate you on your run) Thanks Lance :)

Saturday, April 19, 2008


I know I know it was only 4 miles, but I am going to be honest. It was brutal. The run started out with my mom and I dropping my car off at the Eaglewood golf course and then driving 4 miles to where I would begin my run. As I watched the mile gage we just kept driving and driving. "Is that right, we seem to be driving really far" As we kept going and going. We finally arrived at the Bountiful temple. I got out of the car and watched a bride and her family for a minute and then I was off. The wind was awful today, and it was blowing straight at me. Running in Bountiful made it even worse. I felt pretty good at first, then the hills came. I haven't really done any hill work yet to this was really hard for me. I'll be the first to admit I walked a lot. Throughout the 4 miles I think I can count 2 places where it was flat. Brutal I tell ya. Also I had put water at mile 2 and then from then on out I didn't have water. Bad idea (I'm going to get a waist band that holds water next week) the wind dried my mouth out so bad I couldn't even swallow. Although the run was hard, the highlight of my run was when I had stopped for a brief minute and looked back and saw the temple. It looked so far was so cool to see that I had come this far. I know I have a lot of work to do..but I just have to take it day by day and take in these great moments. So all in all it was a pretty good run. I give my hats off to those that ran the marathon today with that wind-nice work!

Friday, April 18, 2008

Name Change

So not sure if anyone noticed, but I have changed the name of my blog. Its now "HEEL RUNNING" Here is the reason behind it (a couple of side notes first) Will Run For Designer Jeans is a great blog that I read. These girls are great motivation. They have been training with 6 friends-with great goals in mind. To finish the SLC Marathon and to get a great new pair of Designer Jeans after the training. So lately I have been thinking of some of my goals that come along with this marathon. 1) I really want to get back in shape and feel good about myself-I want to be a mother with great self esteem. I want to be an example of this for my child (and children in the future) 2) I want to test my limits and push myself, this is a goal that I have wanted to accomplish for a while and I will do it! Now this last (there are also many more I wont list) reason is why I have named my blog Heel Running. I have never been a heel person. Never have worn high heels, although I have wanted to. I cant get myself to wear them. I really hate my legs, thighs and butt. I really look awkward and awful wearing hills. I always tell my husband "fat girls cant wear heels" I see girls wearing the cutest heels and am envious that they look so great in them. So, another goal of mine is to train and work out like crazy. To slim down my lower half to finally wear heels...and feel great in them!!! So here's to wearing Heels!!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Cardio Cinema

So my gym has come up with the best invention ever for helping those runs go by fast. The Cardio Cinema Room is awesome. Its a movie theater with all the cardio equipment in the same room. I love it!! Its all dark and loud like a movie theater, with a great big screen, and they always have great movies playing. I run at the gym during the week and it really is so fun to watch a movie and work out at the same time!! Wonderful idea gym. The other day I went to run and Hairspray was on. I had never seen it so needless to say I was super entertained. All those songs just pumped me up and kept me running for a long time. Thanks Zac Efron!! (lol)

Monday, April 14, 2008

3 Down

Well I started this blog mostly for my own journaling purposes and to track my progress for running this marathon. I have officially signed up and paid my money. Now all I have to do is wait for May 8th to find out if I made the lottery. My training started this last week with a 3 mile run on Sat. I was a little worried about it due to the fact that I havent ran in a month (because of sickness and stitches) but I did it and I felt great. I got tons of new songs on my Ipod and that made the world of difference. Dont get me wrong, I was super tired..but I did it. I also went and bought some new running clothes. Not quite sure which ones will be the best to run in but I'll have to just try them out. (if anyone has advice with what to run in the advice would be much appreciated!!)(WRFDJ told me about some Nike pants, still need to figure out where to get them and which ones they are) It was a good week. 3 down...23.2 to go!!