Sunday, April 27, 2008

Feelin Good

I felt really good about my 5 mile run this Saturday. I have had a really bad sinus infection the past 2 weeks and have finnally gotten on an antibiotic so I didn't do my weekday runs this past week. Because of this I was a little nervous to go out and do my run, but I thought possitive and just did it. I decided to try Jordan River Parkway. I really loved it. The river was great to run by and the weather was so nice. I did walk some but I improved my total miles per min. which I felt good about. I am really glad I have these long runs to experiement with. Trial and error for all the things that are going to be benifitial to me during the marathon and those things that are not. One thing I have realized I need is a water belt (not sure what they are called) I've been placing water at certain places and it just doesnt work for me. I dont get enough fluid. So any suggestions for a good belt? I also figured out that I didn't eat enough before my run, I found myself dryheaving a couple of times from being hungry. I am going to try the wheat bread, peanut butter and bananas I've been suggested this next week. So I will do those two things and can imagine I'll have an even better run next week. Oh and I was congratulated by Lance Armstron on my "longest run so far" (my Nike Ipod thing has famous people come on and congratulate you on your run) Thanks Lance :)


Jen said...

Way to go! I figured out that I had to eat before too or I just couldn't make it. I like the peanut butter and toast thing too. The fuel belt I got is made by camel bak and it goes around your waist and is pretty easy to use and wear. I've used it for about a year now and really like it. It has 2 small pockets in the front that hold my cell phone and gels too. Check it out! I can't remember what it's called right now, but I'll check it out.

Kera said...

Hey lindsey,

Thanks for your comments- I'm so excited for you and to see what you shoes you get! As for eating, peanut butter and toast with a banana is great- and I would really recommend gu for your long runs. If you like a more liquedy gu, try Power(something) it's in the gold package. If you like thicker try GU in the silver package. Get both and see what you like. As for fuel belts, I've never tried one, but I'm sure they are great. I saw one at the nike outlet for 14.00 yesterday. What a steal. I almost bought one. Anyway, good luck with your training. Remember, don't get discouraged. every day is a new day. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me.

Hooray for yoU!!!