Monday, May 19, 2008

Going and Going

Well I decided not to do the running group. I am just gonna do it on my own. As far as my run on Sat. went-- I was supposed to get up at 6:45 Sat. but for some reason got up at 7:15. I had to get my run done before a certain time cause Joe had to work and I needed to take Izaiah. So by the time I ate and go to Sugarhouse Park it was after 8. I started to run and felt pretty good. I realized I dont to as well running in circles as I do running out and back. I had a sick stomach so I had to stop for a bit. Joe had to bring Izaiah to me with the jogging stroller. Usually Izaiah is really good in the stroller but he had been in the car running errands with Joe for over an hour and was so tired and hungry it was a disaster!! I had a mile and a half to go when I got him and he just cried and cried and cried. So I ended my run a half a mile early and took him home. He was so sad I couldn't just run with him crying that hard. I was discouraged this run. I feel like I am not improving. I feel like I just give up and walk when I'm to tired. I wanna push myself and not sure how to do that. I was frustrated. I want to do this so bad! I am out of shape and running for 8 miles when you are out of shape is not so easy. I am trying to re-focus and get my head back in the game. I gotta quit comparing myself to other runners. I gotta just run!! I am going to do better this week and push myself during my weekday runs so it will help my long run on Sat. I guess you have good days and bad ones. Hope to have a good week this next week.


Lisa Marie said...

There will be good days and bad days. You definately aren't alone.

There is this totally awesome web site that I use all the time and I thought I would share it with you. I love it. You just type in your address and it will start at your house (or where ever you want it to start) and you can find out the distance you are running. That way you don't have to use your car to map it out if you don't want to. Try it.

Allison said...

I just looked at your times on your side bar and it's official... you are full of crap. You are too getting faster. I can't imagine how long it would take me to run 7 1/2 miles, let alone getting up at the butt crack of dawn! Yeah I got up at 10 am today! Keep up the good work!

cherl said...

The group training program would have gotten you out the door to run your complete mileage for the day. !!

runningmussells said...

I just read your post on the marathonmommy blog ... I feel the same way sometimes! I am following a Hal Higdon plan that has me running 3 times during the week and a long run on the weekend. When I did my first marathon I ran another day during the week, so I have been skeptical of this my whole training. I just always think back to something I read that it isn't about the quanity of the miles you run, but the quality. If your 2 runs during the week are quality miles (tempo runs, or interval runs) I don't think you should worry. If you have the time (or the energy for that matter) another run probably wouldn't hurt, but I wouldn't worry too much.

I think getting through the long runs is all mental! Think positive and you will succeed!

Aimee said...

Hi! I just stumbled across your blog and got excited. I too am a first time mommy marathoner and am running the bear lake half in june and the Top of Utah marathon in September. By run, I mean slowly jog. These will be my first races longer than 5k.

If you are interested in a local training buddy or just someone to compare notes with...feel free to contact me..

I do my Saturday long runs early in the morning around the South Davis/SL area (I live in W.Bountiful).
Good Luck!!

Jen said...

It's hard not to compare yourself to others and even against yourself, but you have to remember that everyone had a starting point. Everyone had to walk sometimes and everyone has bad days and days where there's just not enough time to do it all. As long as you do your best, that should be good enough! Don't give up and don't worry about your time! The first one's supposed to be a freebie! I have a hard time with this STILL, but try not to get down!

Jen said...

I was going to tell you about a good book that I wish I would have read when I first started running. It's called The Complete Book of Running for Women by Claire Kowalchik. You can find it on Amazon for pretty cheap. It is really good!